Young people always want to try new things, to satisfy curiosity and curiosity when they begin to taste freedom.
In the growth period from childhood to adolescence, a person will receive and store information about various things, whether the source of the parents, the social environment, as well as the media, whether that is a positive, or negative.
The media itself has developed very rapidly, especially when the technology of global networks like the Internet increasingly visible penetration, and the easier access it in Indonesia. All this of course also the stuff of children through adolescence with a massive amount of information.
However, in phases, in many cases they only have a right to, Äùmengetahui, Äù, yet to get permission for, Äùmencoba, Äù, which is certainly the reason that age is considered too young and not yet, Äùsiap, Äù is a common thing delivered. So, until adolescence, a person tends to not have a lot of freedom, in the act and make decisions, there are still many parents depend on each other.
While youth is a phase transition, from a time of restriction, prohibition and control, into a phase which began to be given freedom. The most striking example is to start loosening of restrictions in terms of time. When children and teens, of course we have difficulty to get out tonight. Never come home late, late home from school alone, we can get an all-out rap, but now began to enter the gates of adulthood, we begin to feel looseness.
Home, Äùlebih, Äù night starts permitted, provided that can provide an acceptable excuse. The other thing again, as a teenager, of course we still remember how difficult it was to borrow vehicles from our parents, but from the age of 15 years usually begin to have leeway, although of course still in a limited capacity.
In this phase, not just parents who began to give freedom of belief and practice, because the government too. Call it ID cards, at the age of 17 years, young children are considered adults and is entitled to have its own identity, is entitled to have a driver's license, has the right to watch adult movies, free to visit nightspots. Likewise, in political terms, the youngsters from the age of 17 years began to be given freedom to determine its own voting rights.
Young people have the urge to try something new. Analogues such as a dam. When the dam has a large inlet with a small outlet, certainly more and more full of water. So also with the pressure, which of course is also increasing from time to time.
Well if the great pressure point, the dam suddenly the door opened, the water coming out would be very swift pass anything through, and sometimes even can not control.
This is what happens to young people, of which originally had many limitations, all of a sudden have freedom. Therefore of course they want to try everything that has been restricted.
From the number of newly found freedom here, young man moved, or rather triggered to start using it. They want to try one after another their rights and freedoms. This broader freedom to be a euphoria, which sometimes, due to lack of experience, if not get the proper guidance, could even be too far and fall on the things that are negative.
In product selection, too, young people tend to want to try something new, which is in stark contrast with the, Äùsenior, Äù is more loyal to particular products or brands that have been used to their use. That is why young people are the subculture of the most frequently targeted by the marketers to market their new products and innovations.
Close-up example, since the beginning of consistent targeting the youth market to introduce toothpaste gel, which when it is new, and ultimately successful enough to grab some market share held by Pepsodent. Another example of a more successful, is a sanitary napkin Laurier offering new innovations with the gel system, which offers comfort absorption and better, which is also targeting young people, who managed to subvert the dominance of Softex who have for years controlled the market in Indonesia.
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